The First Entry

 I had a blogging life before this. I loved it. I talked about so many things that made me happy, shared any wisdom I procured, and discovered many friends. It was an escape. Then........... life happened. I had kids. I got busy. I lost it. I thought about starting a new blog multiple times. Nothing fancy or flashy - just somewhere to vent. Again, I got busy and distracted. 

Today, I am sitting in my husband's shop watching him work, listening to 90's country, and I decided it's time to get ME back. Mainly because a lot has gone on in 6 years and I'm tired of being quiet. I have a big mouth and a lot of opinions and a lot to say.

I'm not a writer.. I never claimed to be.. yet, here I am sharing my mind and hoping to be heard.

This is what I have to say today:

My whole life I have prided myself in being an independent thinker. I had my own brain and I knew how to use it. I never developed an opinion of someone just because my friends didn't like them or someone said something that was negative. I made my OWN mind up over time. I saw movies that people hated. I listened to music that made people cringe. I read books that society said were crap. Sometimes they were right. Sometimes they were wrong. Could you imagine missing out on an incredible friendship? Your first love? Your favorite song? All because someone told you not to?

Can we come together as a human race and just agree to think for ourselves, make our own opinions, and fuck other peoples assumptions? I don't know - maybe just have our own space for thinking?

I know it is so easy to believe your closest friend, your mama, your pastor... whatever. 

Maybe, just maybe, those people have biases. 

I think we can all agree that we've been in situations that we've grown from. Situations where we thought we knew what was going on and were proved wrong. I'd rather be wrong than to unjustly judge someone based on someone else's perception.

So, can we do that? Can we be our own people? Can we give people/things a chance? Can we try to grow? Can we TRY to open our minds? 
