
Showing posts from September, 2020

The First Entry

 I had a blogging life before this. I loved it. I talked about so many things that made me happy, shared any wisdom I procured, and discovered many friends. It was an escape. Then........... life happened. I had kids. I got busy. I lost it. I thought about starting a new blog multiple times. Nothing fancy or flashy - just somewhere to vent. Again, I got busy and distracted.  Today, I am sitting in my husband's shop watching him work, listening to 90's country, and I decided it's time to get ME back. Mainly because a lot has gone on in 6 years and I'm tired of being quiet. I have a big mouth and a lot of opinions and a lot to say. I'm not a writer.. I never claimed to be.. yet, here I am sharing my mind and hoping to be heard. This is what I have to say today: My whole life I have prided myself in being an independent thinker. I had my own brain and I knew how to use it. I never developed an opinion of someone just because my friends didn't like them or someone s